Sunlight is Earth’s most abundant energy resource, and unlike reserves of fossil fuels, the solar resource is distributed fairly uniformly across all populated regions of our planet.  The sun’s energy is there for all of us, regardless of where we live, regardless of the work we do, and it’s available in quantities that can easily meet all of our energy needs.

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At Solar Engineering Applications (SEA) our mission has been to develop and integrate technologies that will make sunlight the energy resource that countries all over the world rely on for their energy needs. We’ve combined our own innovations with existing renewable energy technologies to create systems that can be deployed and cost-effectively operated anywhere people live, even in locations where latitude or weather conditions greatly reduce available sunlight. Our SEA-developed systems efficiently collect solar radiation and convert it into the types of energy that our societies must have in order to function. And more importantly, our systems provide for long-term storage of that energy so we’ll have it whenever we need it.

During the next few decades, the systems we’ve developed—and similar systems patterned after ours—will transform global energy infrastructure. In the not-too-distant future, solar energy will become a replacement for, rather than just a supplement to, energy derived from fossil fuels. This energy transition will encompass all sectors of our economies—residential, retail, agricultural, industrial, and transportation; and it will embrace all energy end-use categories, including electricity, fuels, and space heating and cooling. By properly developing the portion of the solar resource that is available within its own borders, any country on earth can become energy independent and free forever of the economic and political burdens associated with the irregular distribution of fossil fuels.

This is what we’ve all been working for. This is the dawn of a new age—the Solar Age.